Hours of Operation
The records department is open from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday.
Services Provided to the Public
Process Gun Permit
The Firearms Application Process requires you do two things before the Muncie Police Department can process your application:
Complete the online application at the Indiana State Police website: https://www.in.gov/isp/firearms.htm
Complete electronic fingerprinting with IdentoGo: https://in.ibtfingerprint.com/
We do not perform fingerprinting for gun permits.
You must complete the previous two steps before the Muncie Police Department can process your application. Once completed, bring your ID and a copy of your fingerprint receipt to the Records Division. You must live in the City Limits.
Background checks for the City of Muncie jurisdiction only.
Provide copies of Case Reports
Inked fingerprinting (before 3:30 PM)
Records requests
Accident reports, can also be purchased online at Buycrash.com
Application for parking permits in restricted parking zones
Contact Us
Muncie, IN 47305
- Office: (765) 747-4891
- Staff Directory
- Hours: Office Hours: 8a-4p / Closed: 12p-1p