What is domestic violence?

Domestic violence refers to violent behavior between current or former intimate partners - typically where one partner tries to exert power and control over the other, usually through fear. Domestic violence is not limited to intimate relationships. These events can occur in any type of relationship or even between family members. It can include physical, sexual, emotional, social, verbal, spiritual and economic abuse. 1 in 4 women will suffer from domestic violence in their lifetime.
What role does the Domestic Violence Unit play?

The most important role of the domestic violence unit is to provide support, advice, and assistance to the victims of domestic violence. There are many ways that the Muncie Police Domestic Violence Unit can help aid those who are suffering from domestic violence, these may include:

• Providing information on domestic violence
• Providing information on sexual assault
• Providing information on strangulation, and stalking
• Providing information on victimization
• Helping to create a safety plan that works best for the victim's life
• Providing updated information on the victim's case
• Setting up outside resources to aid in the devastation that victims may face, including: food assistance, shelter, medical help, clothing, transportation, diapers, wipes, formula, as well as counseling services
• Helping to educate the community about domestic violence and the detriment it may cause

Contact Us

Investigator (765)-747-4873 Ext. 276
Domestic Violence Coordinator  (765)-747-4873 Ext. 229

If you or someone you may know is a victim
It may be difficult to understand why this may be happening, and to reach out for help. It is important to understand it is not your, or the victim's fault. The Muncie Police Department's Victim Advocate Unit is here to help find a way out, and provide unbiased support and assistance to keep you and the community safe. #loveshouldnthurt

National HopeLine Program

The National HopeLine program distributes previously owned wireless phones to victims of domestic violence, supports non-profit domestic violence advocacy groups and provides an environmentally safe method of recycling phones.  Donations are accepted here at Muncie City Hall.  

Additional Information, customers can also visit www.verizonwireless.com/hopeline